Attention Deficit syndrome ADS/ADHD in all age groups

The careful diagnosis and therapy of children and adolescents with ADD/ADHD has been one of our main areas of expertise for many years, with which we have become well known. We refer to the variety of Publication as a result of our medical work on this topic. "Attention Deficit Disorder ADD/ADHD in all age groups". More

Concentration and school performance problems

The topics "school - learning - ability to concentrate" are an integral part of a paediatrician's practice. Is the reason for frequent headaches, stomach aches and behavioural problems a functional disorder of the brain, education or school requirements? We try to clarify such and similar questions by means of a neurological examination, developmental examinations and neuropsychological testing, as well as in joint discussions with parents and children. "Concentration and school performance problems" More

ADD/ADHD and comorbidities – the iceberg phenomenon

Often it is other illnesses or disorders that appear first and make the actual ADD/ADHD symptoms disappear below the surface of the water like an iceberg. You can find out here which ones often occur in this context and cause this iceberg to grow. "ADD/ADHD and co-morbidities - the iceberg phenomenon". More