In ADHD in adulthood, drug therapy is the basis of treatment in the majority of cases. However, individual symptoms such as inner restlessness or general tension may still be present. In addition to drug therapy, there are other techniques that you can learn and apply yourself to achieve an improvement in the symptoms.
The interesting article "Do you have trouble relaxing?" Mind-body techniques in the therapy of adults with ADHD by P.Burger, A.Kupfenberg, M.Scholz, J.-P. Schmid and A. Buadze, from the current September 2021 issue of the journal neuro aktuell, explains the scientific status of the use of relaxation techniques.
You can read the entire article here Read....
When we discover interesting articles that deal with new findings in science, we naturally don't want to deprive you of them. Our latest discovery is an article on the topic of high blood pressure. Should the limits in Germany be adjusted to the American values? You can read more about this in the article:
"Hypertension therapy in the US is better!": German doctor in America on the struggle for low target values in everyday practice - Medscape - 6 May 2021.
You can read the entire article here read...
Have you already addressed the issue of dementia or are you perhaps even concerned that you might be in the early stages of dementia? You are not alone!
We encounter this question more often in our everyday practice. Dr. Claus has prepared an article for you, which is a summary of the 12 factors explained, which, according to the latest scientific findings, can promote dementia. (source: Lancet Journal)
"The BIG-12 of dementia"
Here you can read the whole article read.....