News from neurology and psychology – Read for you


In ADHD in adulthood, drug therapy is the basis of treatment in the majority of cases. However, individual symptoms such as inner restlessness or general tension may still be present. In addition to drug therapy, there are other techniques that you can learn and apply yourself to achieve an improvement in the symptoms.

The interesting article "Do you have trouble relaxing?" Mind-body techniques in the therapy of adults with ADHD by P.Burger, A.Kupfenberg, M.Scholz, J.-P. Schmid and A. Buadze, from the current September 2021 issue of the journal neuro aktuell, explains the scientific status of the use of relaxation techniques.

You can read the entire article here Read....


When we discover interesting articles that deal with new findings in science, we naturally don't want to deprive you of them. Our latest discovery is an article on the topic of high blood pressure. Should the limits in Germany be adjusted to the American values? You can read more about this in the article:

"Hypertension therapy in the US is better!": German doctor in America on the struggle for low target values in everyday practice - Medscape - 6 May 2021.

You can read the entire article here read...


Have you already addressed the issue of dementia or are you perhaps even concerned that you might be in the early stages of dementia? You are not alone!

We encounter this question more often in our everyday practice. Dr. Claus has prepared an article for you, which is a summary of the 12 factors explained, which, according to the latest scientific findings, can promote dementia.        (source: Lancet Journal)

"The BIG-12 of dementia"

Here you can read the whole article read.....


How can you register your child for diagnostics?

A diagnosis takes a lot of time and needs to be carefully planned. In order to be able to make a first picture of you/your child, we ask you to complete this questionnaire in advance and to send it to us by post or by e-mail. After we have received and processed this questionnaire, we will contact you personally to discuss everything else. "How can you register yourself/your child for diagnostics?" More

Cost question – What does your health insurance company do?

We work on a private medical basis and therefore charge for our services according to the GOÄ (Gebührenordnung für Ärzte) as is generally customary. You receive a private invoice from us and submit it to your private health insurance company. "Cost question - what does your health insurance cover?" More

Attention Deficit syndrome ADS/ADHD in all age groups

The careful diagnosis and therapy of children and adolescents with ADD/ADHD has been one of our main areas of expertise for many years, with which we have become well known. We refer to the variety of Publication as a result of our medical work on this topic. "Attention Deficit Disorder ADD/ADHD in all age groups". More

Determination of school maturity and aptitude diagnostics

You will be reminded of this topic at the latest when a letter from the responsible primary school or the health office flutters into your house and your child is invited to the school examination. "Determination of school readiness and giftedness diagnostics". More

Read-spelling disorder (LRS), dyslexia

Markus is now in the fourth grade and would be happy if he could finally do magic and didn't have to write dictations all the time. Despite many tutoring sessions and repeated copying of the incorrect words in the dictation, his grade in German is not getting any better. He can write great essays. Unfortunately, these are also only graded with a weak "4" because of the spelling mistakes. It's a runaway. "Reading and spelling disorder (LRS), dyslexia" More

High talent

Highly gifted is the term used to describe people whose test result in a standardised intelligence test is at least two standard deviations above the mean of the control group of the same age - i.e. as a rule, in an arbitrary sample of an age structure in the same cultural environment, it is the last "2 percent"i.e. 98% of those tested in the same sample achieve a lower score. "High giftedness" More

Concentration and school performance problems

The topics "school - learning - ability to concentrate" are an integral part of a paediatrician's practice. Is the reason for frequent headaches, stomach aches and behavioural problems a functional disorder of the brain, education or school requirements? We try to clarify such and similar questions by means of a neurological examination, developmental examinations and neuropsychological testing, as well as in joint discussions with parents and children. "Concentration and school performance problems" More

ADD/ADHD and comorbidities – the iceberg phenomenon

Often it is other illnesses or disorders that appear first and make the actual ADD/ADHD symptoms disappear below the surface of the water like an iceberg. You can find out here which ones often occur in this context and cause this iceberg to grow. "ADD/ADHD and co-morbidities - the iceberg phenomenon". More

Stroke (Apoplex, apoplektischer Insult, cerebral infarction)

A stroke is a sudden illness of the brain, 85% of which is caused by a lack of blood flow through a blocked vessel (white stroke, ischaemic insult) and 15% of which is caused by a cerebral haemorrhage (red stroke). "Stroke (apoplexy, apoplectic insult, cerebral infarction)". More

Multiple sclerosis (Encephalomyelitis Disseminata, MS, ed)

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the brain and/or spinal cord (central nervous system, CNS) and mainly affects young adults. It is one of the most common neurological diseases, affecting about 4/100,000 people in Germany every year. "Multiple Sclerosis (Encephalomyelitis disseminata, MS, ED)". More

Nerve pain (polyneuropathy)

The term polyneuropathy means that many (Greek poly = many) nerves are affected at the same time and not a single one as in carpal tunnel syndrome, for example. However, this always affects only the "Peripheral Nervous system"  - so all nerves Outside of our spinal cord and brain (= central nervous system, CNS). "Nerve pain (polyneuropathy)" More

Parkinson's disease (PD, idiopathic Parkinson syndrome)

Parkinson's disease (also called Parkinson's disease, shaking palsy, paralysis agitans or idiopathic Parkinson's syndrome) is, along with Alzheimer's dementia, one of the most common progressive diseases of the central nervous system in older age. Most of those affected fall ill between the ages of 50 and 79. "Parkinson's disease (Parkinson's disease, idiopathic Parkinson's syndrome)". More

Headache (Migraine)

Headaches are a common phenomenon in neurology. Almost 70% of all Germans experience a phase of headache or facial pain at least once in their lives, which significantly impairs their everyday life. The causes are manifold, neurology distinguishes more than 200 different types of headache from various causes. "Headache (migraine)" More